Regents Meeting of 3-16-11: Streaming Audio

Text repeats explanation posted for March 15 Regents meeting:

In the past, readers of this blog will know we have provided partial audio of Regents meetings. The Regents provide streaming audio of their meetings. Yours truly captured the audio – when he had the time and no schedule conflicts – using an audio recorder, converted them to videos using a still picture, divided them into roughly 20 minutes segments, posted them on Facebook (which has a 20-minute limit), and then embedded the audio/videos on the blog. This procedure was both time consuming and incomplete. From time to time, yours truly raised the question of why the Regents did not archive the audio and make it available after the meeting was over.

The Faculty Association has found that the Regents will supply a CD with the audio pursuant to a Public Documents request. We now have the CD for the meeting of March 15-16-17, 2011. So we will try a new procedure. Yours truly will post the audios to from which you can either listen online as streaming audio or download the file yourself. Below are links to the meeting of March 16, 2011 in three parts (because the files were sent in three parts).

The agenda for the meeting was listed as:


Wednesday, March 16

8:30 am Committee of the Whole (public comment)

9:30 am* Committee on Finance (open session)

12:15 pm Lunch

1:15 pm* Committee on Finance (open session continued)

3:00 pm* Committee on Educational Policy (open session)

3:30 pm* Committee on Compensation (closed session)

4:00 pm* Committees on Compensation (Regents only session)

4:15 pm* Committee on Finance (Regents only session)

4:50 pm* Committee on Governance (Regents only session)

4:55 pm* Board (Regents only session)

*or upon adjournment of previous session

Note: To see the attachments for the various items on the agenda, go to the Regents page:


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