Waiting for my comment to register with the Register

Above is a screen image of an article of 4-14-11 from the Orange County Register. The article deals with the governor’s comment – noted in an earlier post on this blog – that UC tuition could rise substantially in the absence of a deal on the state budget. However, the OC Register inserted in the text of the article – and to the right of the headline – a link to a database of all UC salaries.

Yours truly posted the following comment/request on the article this morning:

Can we please see the database of all salaries of employees of the OC Register? Thanks.

The Register is so well managed that it fell into bankruptcy a couple of years ago and ended up in the hands of its lenders as part of the resulting settlement. As soon as the Register sends me the database I requested, I will post the link. 🙂

(A similar longstanding request to the Sacramento Bee has so far gone unanswered.)

Update: From California Watch: Professors earn far more at Stanford than at University of California 4-15-11

Full professors at Stanford University make on average $39,000 more than their counterparts at UC Berkeley, reinforcing fears about UC’s ability to recruit and retain top professors in the face of deep reductions in state support…

The salary gap has existed for years, but Berkeley officials worry that as the endowments of private universities recover and Sacramento inflicts ever-deeper budget cuts on UC, the gap will continue to widen…

Full article at http://californiawatch.org/dailyreport/professors-earn-far-more-stanford-university-california-9843

Note that no newspaper has access to a database for Stanford salaries by employee or for any other private university. That fact gives those universities another advantage in recruiting apart from pay. It’s called “personal privacy.”

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