UC Drops Opposition to Foundation Transparency Bill

From Capitol Alert (Sacramento Bee):

The third time is shaping up to be the charm for Sen. Leland Yee’s push to bring more transparency to the state’s public universities. The University of California and California State University systems have dropped their opposition to the San Francisco Democrat’s bill, Senate Bill 8, which would require university associations and foundations at the state’s universities and community colleges to comply with the California Public Records Act…
Full article at http://blogs.sacbee.com/capitolalertlatest/2011/05/leland-yee-california-university-public-records-act.html

(Yee is running for Mayor of San Francisco.)

UPDATE: A more detailed account is at http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/05/26/MN971JKSNG.DTL

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