Upcoming Events of Interest

The final gubernatorial debate between Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 12, 6:30 PM. Channel 4 – KNBC – will carry it.

UPDATE: Local public radio stations as of the morning of the debate are not listing on their websites whether or not they will carry the debate. KQED radio in San Francisco will carry the audio and its programs are streamed on line at http://www.kqed.org/radio/listen/

FURTHER UPDATE: Apparently KCRW 89.9 will carry it.

There will be a campus-level forum on the Post-Employment Benefits (PEB) Task Force report on Thursday, Oct. 14, Royce Hall. See prior posting.

There will be a session on the future of the UCLA Faculty Center – apparently soon to be torn down (see prior postings) – on Wednesday, Oct. 20, 4 PM, in the California Room of the Faculty Center. I have suggested to the Center’s president that a video or audio of this session be made since many faculty have other obligations at that time (including yours truly).

UPDATE: I have now (10-13-10) been told by Prof. Richard Weiss, the Center’s president, that the plan is to have the event videoed and placed on the Faculty Center website.

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