Bay Area Council Business Group Announces Fundraising Campaign for UC

From the Bay Area Council’s website:


Recent years have been unkind to the crown jewel of California’s education system, the University of California.  Budget cutting knives have hit the UC system so hard that new studies show the state will be 1 million college-educated workers short of need by 2025.  This will not be good for our members and not be good for our economy.  Bay Area Council Executive Committee member Larry Baer, who happens to also be President of the San Francisco Giants, hosted a launch event Wednesday of “Onward California” with several Bay Area Council members, Jim Wunderman and UC President Mark Yudof.  Onward California is a very exciting new cause-related marketing campaign, modeled after the “Red campaign” or the “Susan G. Komen” campaign, whereby companies can align themselves with supporting the UC system, make purchasing decisions based on companies that support the UCs and work on many other benefits associated with the UC audience.  Onward California aims to raise $350 million in a five-year effort.  In this Year-One, they seek 10-20 brands to partner with.  After Mark Yudof and team presented the idea, the excited assembled corporate executives turned their attention to the field.  They watched Matt Cain pitch a perfect game.  If ever the UCs needed a signal that fate might support their campaign, this seemed to be it!…
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Note: The Bay Area Council represents many high-tech firms with a need for educated employees.

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