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Update on UC-AFT negotiations: 10/21, 7-8 PM

With a possible strike by our lecturer colleagues on the horizon this quarter, the UCLA Faculty Association invites you to a virtual town hall hosted by the Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) with representatives from the lecturers’ union, UC-AFT. University administrators likely have sent you their spin about UCOP’s latest proposal to UC-AFT, but what they undoubtedly have not told you is that President Drake’s representatives have thus far refused, despite three requests from UC-AFT, to schedule a bargaining session to discuss the proposal. Take-it-or-leave-it bargaining that deprives a party of the opportunity to ask questions, achieve understanding, and present a counterproposal does not meet the legal standard of good faith. Good faith bargaining is the only way to avert a strike which everyone knows would be extremely disruptive. 

This event—open to Senate faculty from all 10 UC campuses—will allow Senate faculty to hear from lecturers about UCOP’s most recent proposal and to get answers to questions you might have about UC-AFT’s contract negotiations and about a possible strike.

WHEN: Thursday October 21, 7-8pm

WHERE: Zoom – Please pre-register at: https://bit.ly/3aOH5mu

If you cannot get into the Zoom meeting because it has reached its maximum capacity, please go to the YouTube live stream of the meeting.

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