Is that clear?

Some advice from the Legislative Analyst’s Office to the legislature:

Amend BBL in Item 6440-001-0001 to Clarify 2013-14 Enrollment Target for UC

The Legislature expects the University of California to enroll a total of 211,499 state supported full-time equivalent students during the 2013-14 academic year. This enrollment target shall not include nonresident students and Resident students and eligible nonresident students who are exempt from paying resident tuition shall count toward this enrollment target whereas students paying nonresident tuition and students enrolled in non-state supported summer programs shall not count toward the target. This enrollment target expresses the Legislature’s intent that the University serve no fewer students in 2013-14 than in 2012-13. The University of California shall report to the Legislature by May 1, 2014 on whether it has met the 2013-14 enrollment goal…


We get the message!
But how many students did you want?

And if it’s not perfectly clear, it might help to know that BBL = budget bill language.

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