Listen to Regents Meeting of Sept. 11, 2012 in Two Parts

We have previously posted audio excerpts from the Sept. 11, 2012 session of the Regents dealing with the UCLA hotel and the UCLA teaching center.  The web source on which we park audio from the Regents is again operational so here is the full meeting, divided into two parts as per the agenda below.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Meeting Agenda, University of California Regents
Part 1
1:00 pm Committee on Compliance and Audit (Regents only session)
1:10 pm Committee of the Whole – Public Comment (open session) – includes public testimony on UCLA hotel project
1:30 pm Committee on Compliance and Audit (open session)
Part 2:
3:00 pm Committee on Grounds and Buildings (open session)

Since our earlier posts outlined what went on in the sessions on the hotel and teaching center, much of the agenda has been described.  However, the Committee on Compliance and Audit discussed a variety of issues related to the child abuse scandal at Penn State with the theme of whether such events could occur at UC.  There were also reports on tech initiatives including common payroll and personnel systems across the campuses.  There was also discussion of the outfall in terms of safety issues that resulted from an agreement between the DA of Los Angeles and the Regents arising out of a case in which a student lab assistant died in a fire at UCLA.  As noted on other prior posts on this blog, a UCLA faculty member is still being prosecuted by the DA despite the deal with the Regents.
Apart from the two UCLA building projects, Buildings and Grounds dealt with two other projects at UC-Santa Barbara and UC-San Francisco.  The latter was interesting because there was a discussion of a “dean’s tax” on that campus to provide a financial backstop to the project.  There is a contrast between that approach and the approach taken to the UCLA hotel.  Various deans at UCLA have been cited as supporting the hotel project, but no dean has been asked to provide any backstop funding.  It is easy to praise a project the central administration wants if you have no skin in the game.
Part 1 of the meeting (which runs up until Building and Grounds) can be heard at the link below: [Public testimony on the UCLA hotel comes at the start of this part]
Part 2 of the meeting (Building and Grounds) can be heard at:

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