Presentation Available on Replacement of the UCLA Faculty Club

Earlier posts discussed the plan to replace the current UCLA Faculty Center building with a larger convention/hotel type facility. A meeting with Sam Morabito was held in the Faculty Center on Oct. 20 – which yours truly could not attend – but it was videoed and put on the Faculty Center website. Since the existence of the Faculty Club is in peril (although it is eventually supposed to be incorporated into the new building), I have captured the video from the live-stream it preserved it in four parts. That way, the video will be preserved – and whatever promises are made about it are preserved – even if it is not maintained on the Faculty Club website. (Video-Yahoo has a time duration limit, hence the four parts.)

By the way, a lot of underground (and therefore very expensive) parking is to be built under the new facility. An interesting question is whether the full marginal cost of that additional parking will be absorbed by the new facility. If not, some of the cost will inevitably shift on to everyone else’s parking fees.

Note that there is an annoying hum on the video throughout, that some of the audio – particularly in part 4 – is not clear, and that the video does not start at the beginning of the presentation and was cut off before it ended.

A slide show that apparently went along with the Morabito presentation is available at:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4 (end)

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