Powers-That-Be at UCLA Still Positive About Anderson Self-Sufficiency Plan

The letter below from EVC Scott Waugh suggests that he and Chancellor Block (cc’d on the letter) remain positive about the Anderson School’s financial self-sufficiency plan, despite the negative Academic Senate reaction. As earlier posts have noted, some critics are concerned about setting a precedent for privatization – although the actual plan falls short of privatization. Others saw budgetary risk to UCLA.

See the bold text in the letter (boldface added by yours truly) for the supportive comments by Waugh.

On the other hand, additional review is indicated in the letter and how long that process might take is not specified.

November 24, 2010

Dean Judy Olian

Dear Judy:

As you know, I invited comments from the Academic Senate, Vice Chancellors, and members of the Deans’ Council regarding the self-sufficiency proposal put forward by the Anderson School. Attached is a compilation of their feedback. As discussed, I will convene a small working group of faculty and administrators from the Anderson School, the Academic Senate, and Academic Planning and Budget to examine and as needed address the key issues raised in the reviews.

The Financial Self Sufficiency Proposal has many merits, and I am confident that the plan will benefit UCLA and establish an innovative model for the University of California. We intend to move forward as rapidly as we can with this important proposal. The process of reviewing the proposal will build support on campus and systemwide while clarifying or resolving questions about finances, budget, and management.


Scott L. Waugh, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

cc: Chancellor Gene Block

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