Possible UC strike

Demonstration in Westwood after previous strike

From the LA Times:

Members of the union that represents 22,000 service workers and patient care employees at UC campuses and hospitals have voted overwhelmingly to authorize a possible strike in the future if a contract agreement is not reached, officials said Friday. Ninety-six percent of the members of AFSCME 3299 voted to allow union leaders to call a strike if they decide it is necessary. If a strike happens, it would be the second this year and a potentially wider one, possibly affecting the 10 campuses and the five medical centers. In late May, the same union conducted a two-day strike at the UC hospitals…  UC officials say that the main issue is that the union refuses to accept a new pension plan, similar to that of many other UC and state workers, that requires higher employee contributions and reduces long-term benefits for new hires…

Full article at http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-uc-strike-20131101,0,6908828.story

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