Unclear Consequences of Ruling on VA Uses for UCLA Sports & Other Events

There is a news report today that a court has ruled that the VA property that is almost adjacent to UCLA has been improperly used for purposes other than veterans’ health care. UCLA rents space at the VA for sports programs. Over the years, there have been uses for theaters and other events for the general public.Some commercial businesses have also rented space. Recently, there was a Shakespeare theater group at the VA in an open-air venue. 

Exactly what the ruling – which is temporarily stayed for 6 months – might mean for such uses, including those by UCLA, is unclear.

Apparently, one purpose of the suit was to get the VA to do more for homeless vets, although it is unclear that it will have that consequence since the court cannot force the VA to undertake such activities.  There has been some history of local residents having concerns that the VA was planning uses that might add to neighborhood traffic, etc. 

You can read about the ruling at http://brentwood.patch.com/groups/politics-and-elections/p/court-rules-va-broke-law-in-west-la-property-use and http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-va-aclu-lawsuit-ruling-rejects-leases-20130829,0,658539.story

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