UCLA History: Santa Monica Hospital – now a part of UCLA – back in the day

Santa Monica Hospital in 1941:LA Public Library collection

Previous posts on this blog have dealt with the current strike at UC hospitals including UCLA.  News coverage tends to focus on Westwood. But UCLA also operates Santa Monica Hospital which it acquired a few years ago. The two-day strike is also occurring at the Santa Monica location.  (The photo above from 1941 shows a building – seen from 16th Street – that has since been replaced.)

Coverage on the strike can be found at http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-uc-strike-20130522,0,3925126.story

Meanwhile, the conservative FlashReport news aggregation website was so interested in the UC strike story that someone forgot to use a spellcheck:

UPDATE: If at first you don’t succeed in using your spellcheck, try, try, again:

{And maybe again?)

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