Talk to the Legislature

If UCOP wants to keep its Regents-enacted pension system modifications from being overridden by some statewide legislative action, it will have to talk with the legislative leaders – very, very soon it appears – and not just the governor.  From the San Jose Mercury-News:

Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg said Monday that legislative Democrats will deliver on “comprehensive” pension reform over the next four weeks, even if their labor allies don’t like it. “Will it cause some discomfort and unhappiness? Yes. Do you sometimes disagree with your allies and friends to do what you think is the right thing? Yes,” Steinberg told reporters after legislators returned from a monthlong summer recess. “I never expected that we’d get high-fives for doing any of this.” Steinberg said he wants to put together a package of reforms that include a cap on benefits, a possible hybrid that includes a 401(k) style plan for new employees and changes that apply to local governments without pre-empting what cities like San Jose or San Diego have already done.
Note that the notion of not pre-empting certain cities opens the door to not pre-empting UC and the Regents.  But someone needs to make the case, pronto. 

Do we need an explicit invitation to talk to the legislature? How about this?

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