
Can UC piggy-back on CalSTRS? We are “education,” too. And we have pension funding issues. If you don’t ask, you surely don’t get. See below:

CalSTRS reported ready to seek more state funding

Sacramento Bee, 10/11/11, Dale Kasler

For more than two years, CalSTRS has been talking about asking state lawmakers for more money to plug its funding gap. Now the teachers’ pension fund believes the Legislature is ready to listen. Pension fund Chief Executive Jack Ehnes said last week he wants Gov. Jerry Brown to include additional CalSTRS funding in a long-awaited pension reform proposal he’s expected to release in the coming weeks. “We think we’re at the right moment where it’s time to move on the funding strategy politically,” Ehnes said at a CalSTRS board meeting in Huntington Beach, according to Bloomberg news…

Full article at http://www.sacbee.com/2011/10/11/3973771/calstrs-reported-ready-to-seek.html

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