CSU Tuition Prepares for Blast Off

From Capitol Alert blog of the Sacramento Bee today:

…Chancellor Charles Reed announced this afternoon that he will ask trustees to vote on a 12 percent tuition increase when they meet on July 12.

“What was once unprecedented has unfortunately become normal, as for the second time in three years the CSU will be cut by well over $500 million,” Reed said in a statement. “The magnitude of this cut, compounded with the uncertainty of the final amount of the reduction, will have negative impacts on the CSU long after this upcoming fiscal year has come and gone.”

Full article: http://blogs.sacbee.com/capitolalertlatest/2011/06/csu-california-state-university-tuition-increase.html

And talking about taking off:

The number of out-of-state students is soaring at UC Berkeley, with new figures showing more than a quarter of newcomers on campus – freshmen and transfer students – won’t be from California this year. That’s up from 23 percent last year, and 15 percent two years ago…

Full article at: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/06/30/MNCN1K4RTP.DTL

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