Video of Yudof Testimony on Budget Cut at State Assembly

UC President Yudof testified at the State Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Educational Finance last Monday. Below are videos of his testimony and questions-and-answers with assembly members. The video is divided into two parts because of time-limits on Facebook. As a previous post noted, he indicated that there would not be another tuition hike in response to the governor’s proposed budget cut for UC. But that was contingent on, among other things, voter passage of the governor’s proposed tax extensions.

Also notable was Yudof’s remark that tuition hikes help low-income students because of the recycling of one third of tuition revenue into student aid, but that this comes at the expense of middle-income students.

Yudof also noted that while CSU is part of CalPERS and therefore gets a state contribution to its pension, UC is receiving no state pension contribution.

Part 1:

Part 2:

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