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UCLA History: Fundraising

The issues of the sale of the Japanese Garden and the construction of the hotel/conference center both point to fundraising and gifts to UCLA.  The recent history of UCLA – UCLA: The First Century – has a section on the early days of fundraising.  (See an earlier blog post on the book.) In the book is the undated photo on the left of Dean Neil Jacoby of the business school promoting his idea of a building for the school.  The book, incidentally, incorrectly gives his dates as dean as 1948-73.  In fact, when yours truly arrived on campus in the…


OMG! Whoops. Oh My Whatever-You-Are!

Inside Higher Ed pointed to this story: “It’s no wonder President Obama wants every kid to go to college,” said… former Pennsylvania senator (Santorum.) “The indoctrination that occurs in American universities is one of the keys to the left holding and maintaining power in America. And it is indoctrination. If it was the other way around, the ACLU would be out there making sure that there wasn’t one penny of government dollars going to colleges and universities, right?” He continued: “If they taught Judeo-Christian principles in those colleges and universities, they would be stripped of every dollar. If they teach…

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UC History: Connerly

Former UC Regent Ward Connerly who led the move to abolish affirmative action at UC in 1995 is back in the news, albeit not in a positive way.  http://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2012/01/18/allegations-against-prominent-foe-affirmative-action  (There is a link within that link to a NY Times article with more detail.)  A related news item appeared in the Sacramento Bee this morning: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/01/18/4195636/connerly-financial-misdeeds-alleged.html The news clip below describes the Regents’ action but focuses on then-Governor Pete Wilson.  (Connerly is briefly shown.)  The Regents’ resolution was made redundant by the later Prop 209 and the resolution was subsequently repealed.  However, since UC is covered by Prop 209, the…


A Different Meaning of Occupy at UCLA-Santa Monica Hospital

An earlier blog posting noted that the construction fencing had come down around the UCLA Santa Monica hospital’s new wing.  According to the Santa Monica Mirror, there was an actual move-in of patients a week ago – the wing was officially occupied: There was a hive of activity at the new UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica on Sunday as it officially opened its doors. As part of the opening, about 125 adult and pediatric patients were carefully transported into new hospital buildings on the Santa Monica campus, as well as the existing Merle Norman Pavilion… Full article at http://www.smmirror.com/#mode=single&view=33878 The…

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No smoking at UC by 2014

The University of California will ban smoking and chewing tobacco on all 10 campuses within two years, President Mark Yudof told campus chancellors this week.  Nearly 600 other campuses nationwide have banned smoking, and many California universities either limit smokers to isolated parts of campus or keep them from lighting up at all. …The university likely would have banned smoking earlier, but smokers vehemently argued against it, said Trish Ratto, a health educator and manager of UC Berkeley’s Health Matters Wellness Program.  The university will implement the ban in stages to help smokers quit gradually rather go cold turkey.  By…