

As of yesterday, all of UCLA went no-smoking

Up to now, the no-smoking zone has just encompassed the medical center area.  It now extends to north campus as well. …The Westwood campus is the first UC to implement the (smoking) ban, following a call from President Mark Yudof to go smoke-free across the 10-campus system by 2014. “We’re very proud we’re the first,” UCLA Chancellor Gene D. Block said. The campus and its students “are setting an example.”… Full story at http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-ucla-stops-smoking-on-earth-day-20130422,0,7326172.story Not everyone agrees:[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-20zdelhi3I?feature=player_detailpage]


Is there something in the air there?

A giant odorous cloud billowed over UC Santa Cruz’s Porter Meadow on Saturday as a few thousand people took a bong hit or two or three during an event that’s evolved into an international holiday for marijuana smokers. Hoards of mostly college-aged men and women streamed into the grass field in a valley near College Eight throughout the day to celebrate and consume copious amounts of marijuana on April 20 — a date some call “Weed Day” that has come to symbolize a free-for-all smokefest… Full story at http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/localnews/ci_23072047/thousands-light-up-at-uc-santa-cruz-celebrate There definitely seems to be something in the air:[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5oVzbwYWpg?feature=player_detailpage]  Or maybe…

From Boston

Yours truly is in Cambridge, MA. today.  A lot of police activity here in connection with the general lockdown of the Boston area due to the bombings.  This photo is corner of Mt. Auburn and Hawthorne St.  Various police departments are circulating in the area.  The car is from the Harvard police. 


Could Hammer Fill Westwood’s Empty Stores?

UCLA’s Hammer Museum is proposing to put various art projects in vacant Westwood stores.  According to the Museum, local landlords have agreed to the idea at free or minimal rents.  The Museum is asking the public to “vote” for the concept – Arts ReSTORE LA: Westwood – on a website that might draw financial support from a private foundation. The website and proposal is at: http://myla2050.maker.good.is/projects/Hammer_Museum?sort=290 A video on the project can be see below:[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30f36j_o_wU?feature=player_detailpage] A Daily Bruin article about this proposal is at:http://dailybruin.com/2013/04/12/hammer-museum-with-the-help-of-artists-community-hope-to-restore-westwood/



According to the Westwood-Century City Patch, the tree removals and sidewalk repairs on various Westwood streets around UCLA are now completed:http://centurycity.patch.com/articles/sections-of-damaged-sidewalk-repaired-in-westwood-village-photos#photo-13976670 It’s not clear from the article whether the replacement trees have been planted.


California and U.S. Economic Forecast: Thursday, April 11

UCLA EMERITI ASSOCIATION: After lunch presentation UPDATE OF THE CALIFORNIA AND U.S. ECONOMIC FORECAST DANIEL J B MITCHELLProfessor-Emeritus, Anderson School of Management and Luskin School of Public Affairs      Thursday, April 11, 2013, 1:30 pm UCLA Faculty Center, Sequoia Room Audience questions will be taken after the presentation.Refreshments will be provided at 1:00 pm


Westwood Tree Restoration Reported

According to the Westwood-Century City Patch, replacements for the trees removed from Westwood for sidewalk improvements are now being replanted. Apparently, the new trees will be in box-like containers to prevent the roots from upending sidewalk elements. The story is at http://centurycity.patch.com/articles/sidewalk-replacement-in-westwood-village-nearly-complete The box-like containers are described in a newsletter of the Westwood Village Improvement Assn. (of which UCLA is a member).  See:http://westwoodvillagedistrict.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Feb-Newsletter-email.pdf While we’re waiting for the new trees:[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XR7UuwKOTk?feature=player_detailpage]


AAUP Reacts to Congressional Ban on Funds for Poli Sci

AAUP statement of April 4: The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) condemns recent congressional action to defund the political science program of the National Science Foundation. We believe that efforts by politicians to restrict research support for certain disciplines is misguided, and threatens the integrity of the rigorous scientific review process used by federal agencies to fund research that advances knowledge. The provision to defund the political science program was offered as an amendment by Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma to HR 933, the Continuing Appropriations Act to fund certain government agencies for the rest of the 2013 fiscal…