Listen to Audio of Regents Morning Session of 9-13-12

Below is the morning agenda of the Regents.  The audio link at the bottom of this entry is provided only for the open sessions.

Agenda, Thursday, September 13, 2012, Morning
8:30 am Committee of the Whole – Public Comment (open session)
Concerns were expressed by speakers over the discussion at the retreat the day before about taking more out-of-state and international students for budgetary reasons.  Also, a group of law students expressed concern about rising law school tuition.

The Academic Council representatives made in clear they would recommend a tuition increase if Prop 30 – the governor’s tax initiative – doesn’t pass in November.
9:30 am Committee on Long Range Planning (open session)

Discussion on admissions noted that although all UC-eligible undergrads are admitted somewhere in the system, it may not be to the campus of their choice.  It was noted that Riverside now is able to fill its slots from students who want Riverside as their first choice.  So Riverside no longer gets overage from other campuses which are full.  The question was raised about what happens if all the overage goes to Merced.  There was also a presentation by the student regent about student advocacy efforts.  [Editorial comment and hint to student regent: Given the continued general popularity as shown in polling data of Prop 13 of 1978 – the cap on property taxes and requirement of a 2/3 vote for tax increases – it might not be best to “demand” changes in Prop 13 in public forums when the issue at the moment is developing public sympathy for Prop 30.  Prop 13 is not on the November ballot; Prop 30 is.]

9:45 am Committee on Health Services (open session)

There was some discussion about the effect of the new federal health program on student health centers.  Apparently, there was to be a more detailed discussion about the federal health law and the med centers in the closed session.
10:00 am Committee on Health Services (Regents only session)
10:40am Committee on Finance (Regents only session)
11:20am Committee on Compensation (Regents only session)
11:45am Committee on Compensation (closed session)
12:15 pm Board (Regents only session)
12:30 pm Lunch
You can hear the morning session (except the closed portions) at:

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