Playing Catch-Up on the State Budget

As prior posts on this blog have noted, there are all kinds of last-minute developments going on regarding the state budget that affect UC including a tuition freeze in exchange for more funding – conditioned on voter approval in November of the governor’s tax initiative.

While these developments were occurring, nothing seemed to be emanating from UCOP concerning what these changes in the budget might mean, what view UCOP had of them, etc.  As of this writing, there is still nothing on the UCOP website about the budget changes. However, a letter from President Yudof to the Regents began circulating today.  The letter refers to an “understanding” between the governor and legislature but not to any agreement with UC.  It appears that UC is playing catch-up in trying to keep up with developments and doesn’t seem to be influencing them.

In any event, you can read the letter at the link below:

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