Catching Up: Radio Interview on Anderson MBA Self Support

This past Monday, Dean Judy Olian of the UCLA Anderson School of Management was interviewed on KCRW’s Warren Olney on the program “Which Way LA?” concerning the vote of the Legislative Assembly to endorse the plan of moving the regular MBA to a “self support” model.  Also interviewed was Prof. Anthony Carnevale of Georgetown University.  Prof. Carnevale opposed the move, mainly on the grounds that privatization represents a shift in philosophy from public support for higher ed.  At one point Prof. Carnevale suggested that if Anderson was privatized, it should pay taxes like other private enterprises.  I do have to note that although Georgetown is a private university, I did not hear Prof. Carnevale advocate that Georgetown – or its MBA program – should pay taxes! But maybe he just forgot to say it or maybe I just didn’t listen carefully enough.

In any event, the program is available starting at 6:45 minutes at:
I had a bit of trouble getting that link to work when I tried to advance the time.  Here is an alternative that should work with just the Anderson segment:

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