UC Excerpt from Dec. 14 Legislative Pepper Spray Hearing

As readers of this blog are aware, an incident in which student demonstrators at UC-Davis sparked concerns and received wide public attention. A joint legislative hearing was held on December 14. Below is an audio of the testimony of UC president Mark Yudof and General Counsel Charles Robinson at the “Legislative Hearing on California University Campus Police Policy.”

The excerpts include the formal statements of the two witnesses from UC plus a question and answer session which followed similar testimony by CSU witnesses. The main information to be found in these excerpts is that there is likely to be a UC-systemwide policy about police activity that comes out of the various reviews. March 1, 2012 was given as the probable date in which the findings/outcomes would be released. Note that there are occasional silent pauses due to interruptions in streaming. President Yudof indicated he found no conflict of interest involved in the choice of former LA Police Chief William Bratton to conduct an investigation. Some legislators expressed concern about what they perceived as a large number of independently-conducted investigations going on at UC. Links are below:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Alternative audio link of full excerpt (not divided into parts):

Note 1: The CSU portions were largely edited out although some elements remain since they were part of the general discussion.
Note 2: Full video of the hearings is available in three parts from CalChannel. The excerpts here are from parts 1 and 2. It is not known how long CalChannel will retain the hearings online. There are 3 links at:



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