Out of the box on higher ed: Uh Oh

From the Sacramento Bee today (excerpt):

Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom railed against tuition increases and said Wednesday that the state’s master plan for higher education is outdated, promising “a different narrative” for higher education by the end of the year.

It was unclear what the plan might contain or how Newsom, a Democrat, might propose to fund it.

“We’re going to come up with some out-

of-the-box recommendations, is our hope and expectation,” he told The Bee’s Capitol Bureau.

Fifty years after the production of the California Master Plan for Higher Education, Newsom said he and officials are preparing to “try to create a different narrative for higher education as a system, as opposed to UC as a system, CSU as a system and community colleges.” …

Note that the Master Plan’s basic purpose was in fact to have 3 well-defined systems.

Sometimes it’s best not to open a box:

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