Governor Vetoes Bill That Sparked UC-Berkeley Bake Sale Controversy

As readers of this blog will know, opponents of a bill that might have (not at all clear) weakened the anti-affirmative action Prop 209 – which applies to public university admissions, organized a bake sale at UC-Berkeley which caused much controversy on that campus. Governor Brown has now vetoed that bill.

Jerry Brown vetoes bill to let colleges consider race, gender

10/8/11 Capitol Alert

Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed legislation today that would have allowed the University of California and California State University systems to consider race, ethnicity and gender in student admissions.

The interpretation of Proposition 209, which prohibits the use of race- or gender-based preferences in hiring, contracting and admissions, is a matter for the courts – not the Legislature – to decide, he said. The matter is the subject of pending litigation.

“I wholeheartedly agree with the goal of this legislation,” the Democratic governor said in a veto message. “Proposition 209 should be interpreted to allow UC and CSU to consider race and other relevant factors in their admissions policies to the extent permitted under the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. In fact, I have submitted briefs in my capacities as both governor and attorney general strongly urging the courts to adopt such an interpretation.” However, he wrote, “Our constitutional system of separation of powers requires that the courts – not the Legislature – determine the limits of Proposition 209.” …

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