
Amid Budget Crisis, UC Debates Management Bloat

Bay Area Citizen 10/5/11, Excerpt:

Over the past decade, the number of managers and senior staff at the University of California grew at a much faster rate than that of faculty and students, leading some professors and legislators to question the university’s priorities as it looks to close a $2.5 billion budget gap. Last spring, the number of senior professionals and managers — including chancellors and vice presidents — reached 8,821, a 76 percent increase since 2001, according to university figures. By contrast, faculty, visiting professors and lecturers accounted for 15,740 positions, a 24 percent increase over the same period. Student enrollment rose about 28 percent over roughly the same period…

Steve Montiel, a UC spokesman, said teaching hospitals, research initiatives and auxiliary services such as residence halls and parking, accounted for roughly 70 percent of UC’s personnel growth since 1998…

Some of the money that is financing managers’ salaries could be put toward instructional needs, said Craig Flanery, managing director of the Council of University of California Faculty Associations, an umbrella organization that represents the faculty associations at each UC campus. “The diverted money would be better spent to attract and retain the highest-quality faculty, to hire more faculty and to reverse the skyrocketing costs being foisted on students and their families,” Flanery said.

Full article at

Some advice for bloated management:

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