Slow News Day at the New York Times?

The New York Times may have all the news that’s fit to print. But it carries an article today – dated Sept. 24 – on tuition increases at UC that seems to be over a week out of date. (The article quoted below appears on the NY Times’ website with a note that it also appeared in the national print edition.) In the text we find:

“Faced with drastic cutbacks in state financing, U.C. tuition increased 18 percent this school year, and the university’s Board of Regents is expected to vote on a plan to raise tuition 8 percent to 16 percent a year through 2015-16. With the cost of rent, food and books also soaring, more students… are scrambling to be able to afford their education.”

As readers of this blog will know, the Regents – at their meetings that ended Sept. 15 – did not adopt the proposal for a multi-year schedule of tuition hikes when it was presented by President Yudof – although he undoubtedly “expected” that they would. They instead fell to debating the sorry condition of UC funding and reached no agreement on what should be done.

Full article at

News seems to travel slowly from the West Coast to New York. But there is a technological solution!

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