Dial H for Hotel? Part 3 – Questions from the Script

An earlier posting noted that the caller for the poll on the hotel/conference center, ostensibly being conducted on behalf of UCLA, refused to talk to a female neighborhood resident because there were too many women in the sample. Apparently, women are now being allowed to answer.

Another recipient of a call (a woman) took notes on the questions and reported that it included the questions in italics below. She reported that the pollster was reading from a script and seemed to know nothing about the hotel/conference center other than what was on the script.

In the script, the hotel/conference center is referred to in the university’s terminology as a residential conference center (RCC). From her notes on the call and the questions posed:

1. UCLA has proposed a 6-story residential conference center…etc. [description] Do you think this will happen? a) strongly doubt, b) doubt, c) don’t know, d) don’t doubt

2. The traffic at the corner of Sunset and Hilgard is bad enough already and an RCC will make it worse. a) strongly doubt, b) doubt, c) don’t know, d) don’t doubt

3. The Faculty Center is a historic building. Are you in favor of preserving the Faculty Center as part of a Residential Conference Center? a) yes, b) no

4. The RCC will charge $xxx per night, and academics cannot afford this. a) strongly doubt, b) doubt, c) don’t know, d) don’t doubt

5. Is it beneficial for UCLA to have a conference center where conferees, faculty, and students can interact? a) strongly doubt, b) doubt, c) don’t know, d) don’t doubt

6. Is it important for you to have cultural and intellectual activity nearby? a) strongly doubt, b) doubt, c) don’t know, d) don’t doubt

7. Will Westwood Village get better? [no mention of hotel] a) yes, b) no

8. Will the neighborhood get better? [no mention of hotel] a) yes, b) no

9. Are you optimistic about L.A.? a) yes, b) no

10. Should the (or a) RCC host private events? [“the” could have been “a”]

11. Are there enough hotels in the area to handle conferences?

12. What is your age? (ranges given).

If other blog readers receive calls and can find more info about the origin of the poll or more questions from the script, please do so. I don’t want to be accused of back-stabbing or strangling the university’s quest for knowledge – but be careful when you answer! You never know what could happen:

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