Higher Summer Tuition Possible for Out-of-State Students or Maybe Everyone

The oddity that for summer session UC charges out-of-state students that same tuition as in-staters that was noted in a prior post on this blog may end. Alternatively, UC summer tuition may be raised for everyone. Excerpt from the Sacramento Bee website:

A taxpayer subsidy that out-of-state students have been receiving for years is under scrutiny as the University of California system searches for extra revenue.

…But partly due to measures taken to boost enrollment, (out-of-staters) don’t pay higher fees for summer classes…

A decade ago, the UC system moved from a self-supported summer quarter to one funded by the state. Having a later deadline for summer school also made summer sessions more attractive. The later deadline doesn’t give officials enough time to verify residency claims, according to UC Davis summer sessions director Gary Ford.

…UC spokesman Ricardo Vázquez said dealing with… cuts could mean turning to options such as raising summer fees across the board or starting to make non-residents pay surcharges in the summer.

Full story at http://www.sacbee.com/2011/06/20/3712477/the-buzz-higher-summer-fees-eyed.html

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