Legislative Analyst Not Keen on Ending CPEC: Suggests Reform Instead

As noted in a prior entry on this blog, Gov. Brown in his May revise budget proposed terminating the California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC). CPEC is supposed to coordinate the various public segments of higher ed and the private higher ed institutions.

The Leg Analyst has issued a second document indicating it sees a continuing role for CPEC but suggests reforms including more data analysis of higher ed.

Undoubtedly, CPEC agrees. The Leg Analyst’s document is at http://www.lao.ca.gov/handouts/education/2011/LAO_Recommendations_on_Governor%E2%80%99s_Proposal_to_Eliminate_CPEC_052511.pdf

The governor’s May revise had plans to kill many boards and commissions of which CPEC is just one. And there are the Redevelopment Agencies and Enterprise Zones which are also on the potential chopping block. Whether the legislature will choose to save CPEC amidst all the others is unclear. It might not happen:

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