Video: The Governor’s May Revise News Conference

An earlier post on this blog analyzes the May Revise news conference held by Gov. Brown on May 16. There is video of that news conference on the governor’s website but – at least on my computer – it tended to pause and freeze. The version on the calchannel was even worse and caused a total crash at one point. So below is the video transplanted to YouTube by yours truly which works best.

It is divided into 4 parts due to YouTube time limits. Part 2, it might be noted, contains a statement by the governor that he would support a tightened state spending cap and some kind of pension changes. Neither one was described in any detail. Technically, California has a spending cap already – the Gann Limit approved by the voters in the aftermath of Prop 13 (when Brown was previously governor). However, Gann was largely gutted by later initiatives.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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