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UC Riverside leaders consider sweeping cuts in face of budget crisis (excerpt)

Larry Gordon, LA Times, March 8, 2011

Should library hours be cut? Could some academic programs be closed or merged? Will turning down air conditioners and fixing leaky sprinklers save much money? UC Riverside administrators are mulling such questions as they face an expected reduction in the campus’ core budget next year of at least 8%, or $38 million, even as they cope with higher pension costs and energy bills. The decisions could affect the livelihoods of employees and quality of education for more than 20,000 students at the Inland Empire campus…

Administrators say this would be a tough time for UC Riverside to take a step back. Along with preparing for its new medical school, the Inland Empire campus saw a 13% surge in freshman applicants this year, more than double the system-wide figure…

Full article at http://www.latimes.com/news/science/environment/la-me-0308-ucriverside-20110308,0,4062098.story

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