Can We Drop the High Paid Pension Thing Now Rather than Wait for March, Regents?

I have posted some of the audio of the January Regents meeting and will get around to posting more soon. However, the issue of the demand for high-paid UC exec pensions – see earlier posts if you have been buried in a cave for the past month – continues to be a blemish on UC. Moreover, it exacerbates the entire state budget scene. At the January Regents meeting, it was pointed out that the demand is not helpful to UC at all. But the matter is apparently being deferred to the March Regents meeting. That delay means it continues to fester.

Below is a video by a Republican Assemblyman castigating the Brown budget. At around the 2 minute mark, he singles out the UC exec pension issue.

[vimeo 18938091 w=400 h=225]

1.18.11 Asm. Donnelly / Budget Shreding from CA Assembly GOP on Vimeo.

There is no doubt that at the March meeting, the Regents will follow Yudof’s recommendation and just say no. So why not now?

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