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Which Way UCLA? May 6, 12 noon

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Which Way UCLA? Faculty and the Future of Public Higher Education

Wednesday, May 6, 12 noon to 1:30 PM
UCLA Faculty Center, Sequoia Room

Buffet lunch will be served

As Janet Napolitano and Jerry Brown battle over tuition increases and state funding for the UC, faculty face eroding compensation and increasing privatization of the university. Is shared governance still meaningful amidst the race for private donations and bond-funded construction? Where is the common ground between tenure and non-tenure system faculty? How does the crisis of student loan debt change our relationship with our students? Join representatives of the Academic Senate, the Council of UC Faculty Associations, and the UC-AFT (lecturers union) for a open forum on faculty and the future of public higher education in the age of austerity.

Moderator: Toby Higbie (UCLA Faculty Association)
Leo Estrada (UCLA Urban Planning, Chair-Elect Academic Senate)
Patricia Morton (UCR, President Council of UC Faculty Associations)
Bob Samuels (UCLA, UC-AFT)

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