What Did She Say?

An earlier post on this blog noted that UC President Janet Napolitano would be interviewed on “Meet the Press.”  It appeared from the advance description that she would be commenting (negatively) on a possible pardon for NSA leaker Edward Snowden.  In fact, the interview turned out to go beyond Snowden.  She was asked about her leading of the official US delegation to the Winter Olympics in Russia and security issues that were raised by a recent terrorist bombing there.  She was also asked about her former opposition to gay marriage as governor of Arizona.  (She now favors it.)  And she was asked about a possible presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton in 2016.  In fact, the only topic she wasn’t asked to discuss was UC or higher ed.  (She did note that she would be representing UC as well as the US at the Olympics.)

Note: We wondered in our earlier posting whether it was time for the UC prez to cut the cord to DC.  Some discussion of non-traditional political university presidents – including Napolitano – can be found in Politico at http://www.politico.com/story/2014/01/university-presidents-politicians-101738.html

Our prior post was at http://uclafacultyassociation.blogspot.com/2014/01/dont-beg-her-pardon.html

You can hear an audio of the TV interview at: 


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