Letter from the Chair of the UCLA Faculty Assn.
Dear Colleagues,
The UCLA Faculty Association has a new Executive Board this year, and a full slate of complex issues to address. We appreciate your continued support, and encourage you to get involved in your FA.
As I’m sure you are aware, there have been significant changes to the health insurance offerings for University of California employees. The Faculty Associations at UC Santa Barbara and UC Riverside have issued strongly-worded letters of protest about the lack of choices in the new plan offerings, and the lack of transparency in the process of choosing the options.
The UCLA Faculty Association also has been hearing from current and retired UCLA faculty with concerns about these changes. If you have something to say about the health care benefits, please send us an email: <uclafacultyassociation@gmail.com>.
You can read the UCSB and UCR FA statements online:
Our own Dan Mitchell has been keeping track of health care developments on the UCLA FA blog:
On behalf of the new Executive Board, I wish you a productive fall quarter.
Toby Higbie (chair)
UCLA Faculty Association Executive Board, 2013-14
Toby Higbie, Chair
Dwight Read, Treasurer
Jean-Francois Blanchette
Christian Haesemeyer
Michael Meranze
Dan Mitchell
Malina Stefanovska
Roger Waldinger