Listen to Regents Discuss Retiree Health on Nov. 14, 2013

We’ll post the audio for the entire Nov. 14 Regents meeting subsequently.  However, below is a link just to a discussion of the issue of retiree health.  As blog readers will likely know, as part of the open enrollment, UC retirees who are out of state are being dropped from UC programs and given a flat dollar contribution to buy their own policies from local exchanges.  An external contractor – Extend Health – has been engaged to provide counseling for out-of-state retirees.

According to the back and forth between regents and UC administrators, this change will drop the liability to the retiree health program by $700 million.  It was also pointed out that because the UC liability is limited to the flat dollar amount, the risk of health care costs has been transferred to the out-of-state retirees.  In the course of the discussion, it appears that consideration is being given to apply the out-of-state approach at some point in the future to in-state retirees as well.

You can find a link to the discussion below:  [Audio only with still picture.]

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