
Given the Sacramento Bee’s editorial on the UC logo, could there be a movie deal in the works?

Sacramento Bee Editorial: Was UC’s new logo fully flushed out?

…The trouble is, the image reminds many people of what happens when they hit the commode lever…

… (C)ouldn’t UC have come up with a better name for this symbol than “the lock-up”? As the university says on its website, under a category called Brand Guidelines, “the UC lock-up reinterprets the classic elements of the seal into a vibrant, visually energetic, engaging and relevant identifier.” The website goes onto to remind readers, “It’s more than a logo … It’s a system.”
Perhaps so, but at this point, we are not betting “the lock-up” will last longer than New Coke.  Probably it will be much shorter, since it took three months for Coca-Cola to return to original Coke. “This will be cannon fodder,” said Sacramento crisis communications expert Doug Elmets. “UC will have no choice but to plan a retreat.”
Just when we needed it, Hollywood may have a use for the new logo:

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