No Sander?

From the Daily Bruin on Thursday:

A forum on UCLA’s holistic admissions policies planned for Wednesday has been postponed because of scheduling problems and legal concerns about the form of the discussion, according to organizers. The forum, organized by the Undergraduate Students Association Council Academic Affairs Commission, was intended to discuss a report by UCLA law professor Richard Sander that claims the undergraduate admissions process is illegally taking race into account…
UCLA admissions officials declined their invitations after receiving legal advice against participating in a public forum with Sander, according to an email from Janina Montero, vice chancellor of student affairs.  Youlonda Copeland-Morgan, associate vice chancellor for enrollment management, and Gary Clark, the new UCLA director of admission, were supposed to attend the forum with Montero. All declined to attend because of this legal advice, Montero said. “We are happy to describe holistic review and answer general questions about the admissions selection process, but the planned format was not appropriate given the allegations about our work,” Montero said in an email.
Sander said he did not have any concerns about the format of this event and had planned to attend…
An earlier post on this issue can be found at:

Note to those giving the admissions folks legal advice.  Sometimes it’s best not to refuse to defend yourself.  It looks bad:

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