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Pension Initiative Seems to Be Out of Gas (for Now)
Earlier posts noted a pension initiative drive – fronted by San Jose Mayor Chris Reed – that would have swept in UC. For now, the effort seems to have stalled. The proponents have decided to litigate the title and summary by the attorney general of the initiative. Effectively, that will take enough time so that they will not be able to gather the signatures needed to get the initiative on the November 2014 ballot. The decision to litigate may just be a polite way to bow out for now. See: Of course, if your car stalls for whatever reason, you…
Issue Heating Up
We noted in yesterday’s posting (in the update portion) on the Regents public comment session that there were spokespeople complaining about anti-Israel activities on UC campuses including course credit on one campus, pushes for divestment, etc. Earlier postings noted statements by the UC prez and several chancellors (including Block) opposing an academic boycott of Israel by several academic societies. Today, the LA Times reports: A group of lawmakers has formed the California Legislative Jewish Caucus to weigh in on issues of priority to members, including immigration, civil rights and Israel, according to its chairman, state Sen. Marty Block (D-San Diego)… …
UC Is Drying Up
You’ve probably heard that Gov. Brown has declared a drought emergency. So UC is there – Johnny on the spot – with a pledge to save water for the guv: University of California President Janet Napolitano today (Jan. 16) announced a goal of reducing per capita water use by 20 percent throughout the UC system by the year 2020. As California experiences some of its driest weather on record, Napolitano said the university must step up and contribute to the preservation of the state’s most precious resource. “The University of California has long been a leader in conservation efforts,” she…
Demographic Shift
News accounts have focused on this chart in Gov. Brown’s recent budget proposal which shows the Latino/Hispanic state population exceeding the white-Anglo population by July. That the shift would occur sometime this decade was obvious from the 2010 Census. A news account indicates that the shift will occur in March. Clearly, putting an exact date on the shift is not really possible. But the change will definitely have occurred by the next Census. (Official state estimates for the California population at the time of the 2010 Census were way off. So interim estimates between Census years always have a significant…
New and Old at the UC Regents
The Regents in 1964 1-17-2014 SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Richard C. Blum, 78, of San Francisco, has been appointed to the University of California Board of Regents effective March 2, 2014, where he has served since 2002 and was chair from 2007 to 2009. Blum founded Blum Capital Partners L.P. in 1975 and serves as chairman and president. He has been chairman of the CB Richard Ellis Group Inc. Board of Directors since 2001. Blum has been a member of the University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business Advisory Board since…
Someone may want to see what you are doing
Faculty should have received the email from Chancellor Block below regarding public documents requests for such things as emails. The statement is good. The two links provided are also useful. But when you get through reading them, you should still regard virtually anything you email or write as potentially a public document. Yes, various exemptions exist. But there are gray areas. In addition, an email you sent to someone else at another public institution – maybe in another state – might be made public there. Even if you deleted it, the recipient may have it. That is the reality.============ Dear…
Pension Initiative Seems to Be Out of Gas (for Now)
Earlier posts noted a pension initiative drive – fronted by San Jose Mayor Chris Reed – that would have swept in UC. For now, the effort seems to have stalled. The proponents have decided to litigate the title and summary by the attorney general of the initiative. Effectively, that will take enough time so that they will not be able to gather the signatures needed to get the initiative on the November 2014 ballot. The decision to litigate may just be a polite way to bow out for now. See: Of course, if your car stalls for whatever reason, you…
Issue Heating Up
We noted in yesterday’s posting (in the update portion) on the Regents public comment session that there were spokespeople complaining about anti-Israel activities on UC campuses including course credit on one campus, pushes for divestment, etc. Earlier postings noted statements by the UC prez and several chancellors (including Block) opposing an academic boycott of Israel by several academic societies. Today, the LA Times reports: A group of lawmakers has formed the California Legislative Jewish Caucus to weigh in on issues of priority to members, including immigration, civil rights and Israel, according to its chairman, state Sen. Marty Block (D-San Diego)… …
UC Is Drying Up
You’ve probably heard that Gov. Brown has declared a drought emergency. So UC is there – Johnny on the spot – with a pledge to save water for the guv: University of California President Janet Napolitano today (Jan. 16) announced a goal of reducing per capita water use by 20 percent throughout the UC system by the year 2020. As California experiences some of its driest weather on record, Napolitano said the university must step up and contribute to the preservation of the state’s most precious resource. “The University of California has long been a leader in conservation efforts,” she…
Demographic Shift
News accounts have focused on this chart in Gov. Brown’s recent budget proposal which shows the Latino/Hispanic state population exceeding the white-Anglo population by July. That the shift would occur sometime this decade was obvious from the 2010 Census. A news account indicates that the shift will occur in March. Clearly, putting an exact date on the shift is not really possible. But the change will definitely have occurred by the next Census. (Official state estimates for the California population at the time of the 2010 Census were way off. So interim estimates between Census years always have a significant…
New and Old at the UC Regents
The Regents in 1964 1-17-2014 SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Richard C. Blum, 78, of San Francisco, has been appointed to the University of California Board of Regents effective March 2, 2014, where he has served since 2002 and was chair from 2007 to 2009. Blum founded Blum Capital Partners L.P. in 1975 and serves as chairman and president. He has been chairman of the CB Richard Ellis Group Inc. Board of Directors since 2001. Blum has been a member of the University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business Advisory Board since…
Someone may want to see what you are doing
Faculty should have received the email from Chancellor Block below regarding public documents requests for such things as emails. The statement is good. The two links provided are also useful. But when you get through reading them, you should still regard virtually anything you email or write as potentially a public document. Yes, various exemptions exist. But there are gray areas. In addition, an email you sent to someone else at another public institution – maybe in another state – might be made public there. Even if you deleted it, the recipient may have it. That is the reality.============ Dear…
Pension Initiative Seems to Be Out of Gas (for Now)
Earlier posts noted a pension initiative drive – fronted by San Jose Mayor Chris Reed – that would have swept in UC. For now, the effort seems to have stalled. The proponents have decided to litigate the title and summary by the attorney general of the initiative. Effectively, that will take enough time so that they will not be able to gather the signatures needed to get the initiative on the November 2014 ballot. The decision to litigate may just be a polite way to bow out for now. See: Of course, if your car stalls for whatever reason, you…
Issue Heating Up
We noted in yesterday’s posting (in the update portion) on the Regents public comment session that there were spokespeople complaining about anti-Israel activities on UC campuses including course credit on one campus, pushes for divestment, etc. Earlier postings noted statements by the UC prez and several chancellors (including Block) opposing an academic boycott of Israel by several academic societies. Today, the LA Times reports: A group of lawmakers has formed the California Legislative Jewish Caucus to weigh in on issues of priority to members, including immigration, civil rights and Israel, according to its chairman, state Sen. Marty Block (D-San Diego)… …
UC Is Drying Up
You’ve probably heard that Gov. Brown has declared a drought emergency. So UC is there – Johnny on the spot – with a pledge to save water for the guv: University of California President Janet Napolitano today (Jan. 16) announced a goal of reducing per capita water use by 20 percent throughout the UC system by the year 2020. As California experiences some of its driest weather on record, Napolitano said the university must step up and contribute to the preservation of the state’s most precious resource. “The University of California has long been a leader in conservation efforts,” she…
Demographic Shift
News accounts have focused on this chart in Gov. Brown’s recent budget proposal which shows the Latino/Hispanic state population exceeding the white-Anglo population by July. That the shift would occur sometime this decade was obvious from the 2010 Census. A news account indicates that the shift will occur in March. Clearly, putting an exact date on the shift is not really possible. But the change will definitely have occurred by the next Census. (Official state estimates for the California population at the time of the 2010 Census were way off. So interim estimates between Census years always have a significant…
New and Old at the UC Regents
The Regents in 1964 1-17-2014 SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Richard C. Blum, 78, of San Francisco, has been appointed to the University of California Board of Regents effective March 2, 2014, where he has served since 2002 and was chair from 2007 to 2009. Blum founded Blum Capital Partners L.P. in 1975 and serves as chairman and president. He has been chairman of the CB Richard Ellis Group Inc. Board of Directors since 2001. Blum has been a member of the University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business Advisory Board since…
Someone may want to see what you are doing
Faculty should have received the email from Chancellor Block below regarding public documents requests for such things as emails. The statement is good. The two links provided are also useful. But when you get through reading them, you should still regard virtually anything you email or write as potentially a public document. Yes, various exemptions exist. But there are gray areas. In addition, an email you sent to someone else at another public institution – maybe in another state – might be made public there. Even if you deleted it, the recipient may have it. That is the reality.============ Dear…