No “Ramp Jam” at Wilshire/Pension Deal Excluding UC Goes to Brown

Commuters to UCLA will know that the Wilshire ramps to the I-405 have been closed for construction. That project was termed “Ramp Jam” but apparently the jam is gone.  At least some of the causes for traffic jams near UCLA as a result of the construction on the 405 are ending:

The westbound Wilshire Boulevard onramp to the northbound 405 Freeway and the northbound 405’s offramp to westbound Wilshire will reopen Friday—three weeks earlier than planned, according to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The ramps were closed June 22 in the first phase of a yearlong effort to demolish and rebuild all eight ramps at the interchange, a project dubbed dubbed “Ramp Jam” and “Rampture.” The ramps were originally scheduled to reopen Sept. 22. The northbound I-405 offramp to westbound Wilshire opened at 6:30 a.m. The westbound Wilshire on-ramp to northbound 405 opened at 11:15 a.m…
My impression is that the closure of the ramps to the 405 on Wilshire actually eased traffic there but caused problems on Sunset and Santa Monica Boulevards because 405-linked traffic was diverted there.
Meanwhile, the pension deal between the legislature and the governor which ended up excluding UC – and which had to be passed by tonight – in fact did go to Governor Brown.  See earlier posts on that deal.  Unlike some of the other last minute legislation that is being sent to the governor, he will surely sign the pension bill since he already agreed to it.  

Pension story at

Anyway, you can express your appreciation for all the traffic improvements California authorities are providing, and for the legislature and governor ultimately excluding UC from the pension bill, by singing the state song:

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