We know the view from Berkeley. From UCLA?

About a month ago, UC-Berkeley Chancellor Birgeneau and co-authors issued a report calling for more autonomy for the UC campuses.  Here is the abstract: The University of California (UC) needs to respond to the fundamental and ongoing changes that are occurring around it if it is to remain financially sustainable, accessible, and academically excellent. As the campuses that make up UC have matured in the past 50 years they have, rightly, developed unique strengths and challenges. The uniqueness of individual campuses has been a natural response to the increasing complexity of our world and the highly competitive nature of higher education. These differences have been compounded by the facts that a much lesser fraction of the university budget now comes from the state and that there has been a continual evolution in the missions of the university as a whole. We propose that the Regents create and delegate appropriate responsibilities to campus-based governing boards to enable more effective campus oversight and management, while retaining their university-wide policy and fiduciary responsibilities.

You can read the full report below:

President Yudof quickly issued a statement saying:

“I do not support Chancellor Birgeneau’s proposal in current form… Chancellor Birgeneau’s proposal has not been appropriately reviewed.”

Now that a month has passed, it might be interesting for UCLA faculty to know the view on the Birgeneau proposal of our chancellor.

The full Yudof statement is below:

Click on the image for a clearer view.

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