Berkeley Problems Continue

On campus

Protesters who stormed UC Berkeley’s main administration building late Friday afternoon have been removed from the offices by campus police. Ten people, including two UC Berkeley students, were cited for trespassing and released at about 7:30 p.m., said UC police Capt. Margo Bennett. A group of about 25 protesters called By Any Means Necessary marched into Sproul Hall at 3:30 p.m. after a rally outside. The group, which is arguing for a greater representation of minority students in the university’s undergraduate population, included several Bay Area high school students who say they were denied admission to the school…
And off campus:
UC Berkeley administrators set a Saturday deadline for protesters occupying UC-owned land in Albany to disband the camp and enter into discussions with the campus about continuing urban farming there. In a statement issued Friday, Executive Vice President and Provost George Breslauer and Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance John Wilton announced that Keith Gilless, dean of the College of Natural Resources, will lead a planning meeting Saturday morning to work out how the Gill Tract will be shared by researchers and “urban agriculture.” …
And by the way:

It might be noted also that there will be a hearing at the state legislature this coming Tuesday related to UC campus protests, really a follow-up, to the pepper-spray report from UC-Davis:
UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi and Cruz Reynoso, who headed a task force that investigated last year’s pepper-spray incident and was highly critical of Katehi’s leadership, are among the officials scheduled to appear before a legislative panel on Tuesday…

Full story at:
Can’t we all just get along?

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