Crane Likely to Pick Up on Pension Issue at Next Regents Meeting

Regent David Crane – a last-minute appointee to the Regents by Gov. Schwarzenegger – has been a public pension hawk and has made remarks about collective bargaining that ensured he would not be confirmed. Assuming he attends the November Regents meeting (Crane’s last given the non-confirmation), he is likely to say something about the pension issue. The Regents’ agenda for November is not yet posted. But even if the pension item is not a formal agenda topic, Crane can bring it up.

That is not a Bad Thing. The Regents should be informed about the impact of the governor’s pension proposal on UC – which is a Bad Thing for UC as presented. The governor’s pension proposal and its impact on UC should be on the agenda – however it gets there.

So we may miss Regent Crane after all:

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