Bill Says Pay Tuition Later (and Don’t Call It Tuition)

State bill seeks more warning on tuition hikes

July 7, 2011, Heather Somerville, Fresno Bee

Student advocacy groups have stepped up their lobbying this week for a bill to make California State University and University of California officials give students at least six months notice before raising tuition…

The bill, proposed by the UC and CSU student associations, would compel university officials to find other ways to manage budget cuts than their “knee-jerk” reaction of increasing fees, said Olgalilia Ramirez, director of government relations for (California State Student Association). AB 970 would require officials to consult with students before raising fees, which could take up to 11 months.

The bill is awaiting a vote by the full Assembly. It likely won’t see action until after the legislature returns from its recess in mid-August…

Full article at

Note that the bill does not consider the constitutional autonomy of the Regents. Some legislative bills make “requests” of the Regents but do not mandate action. This bill does not limit itself to a request.

The text of the bill is at It includes a provision forbidding the use of the word tuition and mandating use of “fee.”

You can pay them now or pay them later, but the bills (the money type of bills) have to be paid:

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