Leg Assembly Summary

These really high-quality cellphone photos come from yesterday’s Legislative Assembly meeting.

There were no shockers. Presentations were made by Academic Senate Chair Ann Karagozian, Chancellor Gene Block, and Vice Chancellor Steve Olsen regarding budget and other matters facing the campus this year and next.

With regard to the hotel/conference center pause-and-review, Chair Karagozian said that the Olsen review of the proposal would likely take until the fall. Since VC Olsen was present and did not indicate otherwise, I assume that timing is indeed the likely prospect.

The Block and Olsen reviews of the budget and related matters indicated that unlike Berkeley and San Diego that are replacing in-state students with out-of-state, UCLA would maintain the absolute number of in-state students but eventually will bring the out-of-state proportion to 18%. As it happens, however, for next year UCLA will exceed its intended enrollment targets in both categories. Funding from the state, meanwhile, is estimated to be down to 42% of “core” expenses next academic year.

It was announced that there would be a forum on June 6 (Monday) on campus about online education conducted by UC Provost Lawrence Pitts. Apparently, a selected group of faculty who have special interests in this topic were invited but it is open to other faculty with such interests. The time is 10-11:30 AM in 131 Kerckhoff.

The audio of the session (not the highest quality but audible) can be accessed below:

(Note: Uploaded with permission of the Senate chair.)

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