Time Warp

This is odd. UCLA produced a strategic plan dated January 6, 2010. In that report on page 10, it refers to a conference center. The word “residential” is not used and, of course, “hotel” is not used. The text on page 10 reads:

Conference Center: A conference center at UCLA could serve three purposes: support academic programs by offering a convenient venue for scholarly programs and interaction, serve as a gateway for the Los Angeles Community into UCLA, and establish UCLA as a meeting point for international academic conferences and programs. We should conduct a feasibility study for a conference center that could attract visitors from around the world to UCLA; if desirable, initiate planning. [underline & boldface added]

Yet the already-completed consultant’s report on the residential conference center is dated July 24, 2009. For a consultant’s report to have been commissioned and researched by mid-2009, there must have been planning “initiated” well before that July 2009 date. Be sure to scroll all the way down in this entry for a possible solution to this time warp.

The 2010 strategic plan is at:

The 2009 consultant’s report is at:

Yours truly may have uncovered how it is possible to discover in 2010 that you need a report and then commission it in the past!!

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