AAUP Data on Faculty Pay

The AAUP data for salaries and compensation of faculty in 2010-11 are now available.

UCLA is reported to pay the average full professor $153,700 and $203,000 in total compensation (including benefits). The data are at http://www.aaup.org/NR/rdonlyres/1D1C8A5B-7A93-42DB-BB1F-6840B2A20387/0/ALFL.pdf

Figures for other UC campuses are also reported with Berkeley at the top and Santa Cruz at the bottom.

According to the AAUP documentation, the numbers include faculty in law, dentistry, nursing, and management but exclude those under the health services compensation plan. So the averages will be affected by the presence or absence of these programs on particular campuses.

The relevant footnotes are at http://www.aaup.org/NR/rdonlyres/2C313A69-2DC9-43E6-AFCC-9D21733FEBEC/0/Notes.pdf.

The full report and all of its sections are at http://www.aaup.org/AAUP/comm/rep/Z/ecstatreport10-11/

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