Pension train may roll through UC’s pension changes. Does anyone at UCOP even know where that train is?

As noted in earlier posts, the pension train is rolling in Sacramento and could easily override the changes in UCRP made by the Regents last December. Is anyone from UCOP articulating a UC position? The kind of caps being discussed are too low for UC faculty. See below for the latest:

Pension focus shifts: hybrid, caps and the big one (excerpt)

Ed Mendel,

As Gov. Brown seeks crucial budget votes, one reform proposed by five Republican senators would switch new hires to “hybrid” pensions, a cost-cutting combination of lower pensions and 401(k)-style individual investment plans.

The governor, who also must get votes from labor-friendly Democrats, reportedly could support a different plan: caps not only on the annual amounts pensions could pay, but also caps on the salaries on which pensions are based.

A reform group is talking about a third plan: an initiative that would take on what the Little Hoover Commission called the “elephant in the room.” A constitutional amendment would be aimed at allowing cuts in pension amounts not yet earned by current workers…

Full article at

Hey UCOP! Some wise words at the end of this clip:

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