More on the U of Wisconsin Autonomy Story

As prior posts have noted, while the current big drama in Wisconsin revolves around Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to curtail collective bargaining for public workers, there is a second story in Wisconsin dealing with the U of Wisconsin. In fact, the two stories are joined. Insider Higher Ed pointed yours truly to Gov. Walker’s budget address given yesterday in which he said:

Competing globally also means enhancing higher education. To do this we will give our flagship, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the tools it needs to remain a world leader in research and instruction – while continuing to be a driver of economic development for our state. This is a decision that we discussed at length with Chancellor Biddy Martin and the leadership at UW. For the past several years, she and other UW leaders have pushed for greater flexibility. Now they will have it and soon the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee will as well.

Throughout the budget process I am open to working with lawmakers from both political parties on expanding this concept to the other campuses throughout the University of Wisconsin system. A few weeks ago, I met with all of the UW chancellors and expressed my willingness to work with them and the members of the Legislature to improve our higher education system.

The Regents of the U of Wisconsin system are not happy with the proposal to give special status to one campus (and apparently maybe two campuses).

The full speech is at

A spokesperson for the U of Wisconsin-Madison later explained what the University wanted:

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